New World Campus

‘Collaborate for Impact’ Event

Discuss about the impact of tech on Health, Energy, Food & Water

On April 24th, the finals of Ideas from Europe 2018, will take place in the Knight’s Hall, The Hague. Twelve entrepreneurs from twelve different EU member states will climb the stage and present their solution, which contributes to solving global challenges, to a worldwide audience.

‘Collaborate for Impact’
Inspired by the ideas presented during the finals and the global challenges we face, The New World Campus (in cooperation with Ideas from Europe) organizes an interactive side-event from 10:00 till 17:30.

The event will bring together representatives from the Dutch government and experts on strategic and tactical level of various companies and organizations.

An important goal of the event is to discuss the constraints on all global challenges and focus specifically on 4 major challenges Health, Energy, Food & Water and the impact of Tech on these challenges.

This event is a great chance for everyone to gain knowledge, share ideas and network; which will be achieved by:

1. Viewing: via a live stream connection, you can keep an eye on what is happening at Ideas from Europe in the Knight’s Hall.

2. Participating: through interactive dialogue sessions you share experiences and ideas and together look for solutions to overcome thresholds in order to realize the solutions for the global challenges.

3. Networking: during the whole day you meet other stakeholders, International change-makers, digital nomads, social entrepreneurs, visionaries and broaden your network.

10:00 Registration and networking
10:30 World Café round I
12:00 Networking lunch
13:00 Break & viewing opening Knight’s Hall
14:00 World Café round II
15:30 Break & viewing closing Knight’s Hall
16:30 Networking drinks
17:30 Closing

Food and beverage during the event are included