WICCA is coming to The Hague for a session on secure coding and privacy-oriented software engineering. This session is organised together with Okuna and will cover the following topics: secure coding, privacy preservation, security and development.
Okuna (previously Openbook) embodies the future of social media: a privacy-oriented and transparent platform that is secure by design, which strives for a better tomorrow for our online social circles.
Registration is now open for all. Apply here.
We’re experimenting with Eventbrite for this one, so please get your ticket here as well.
*** Agenda ***
18:00-19:00 –> Walk-in, introductions
19:00-19:15 –> 15-minute opening: The biggest hacks caused by software flaws by WICCA
19:15-20:00 –> The Engineering of an Ethical Social Network, by Joel Hernández, the founder of Okuna
20:00-20:45 –> Why Security Professionals Should Write Code by Vincent Ruijter, Okuna’s hacker-in-residence
20:45-22:00 –> Networking