During this month’ New World Campus ‘borrel met inhoud’, Loe Schout introduces the work of The Innovation Station (TIS); The video-on-demand TV platform where the best videos about social and technological innovation over the Whole World can be found. During the drinks Loe will focus on the ‘refugee’ channel; all about innovation by and for refugees.
TIS is a video-on-demand and interactive tv-platform bringing the ‘best videos on social and technological innovation worldwide’. People can watch, vote, share and upload videos. Videos are dealing with a wide variety of topics. From green energy to smart cities, social innovation to 3D-printing and from access to education to sustainable food.
TIS was launched in June 2015. After 7 months more than 700 videos were available in its unique database and to an audience spread over 140 countries. In addition to distribution of content, TIS also produced two series of exclusive videos on topics like the sharing economy and on sustainable food together with local reporters in Kenya, Bolivia, Indonesia, India, Russia and Chili.
TIS is setup as a social enterprise offering an opportunity to showcase new innovative initiatives and put innovators into the spotlight. It also aims to be a place for reflection and learning, a way to get connected and collaborate with others working on the same problems and solutions.
TIS is an initiative and joint venture of Hivos and media company Fast Moving Targets.
Apply here for free.