Wijnhaven Building

IDRG Conference 2017

Every spring, the International Data Responsibility Group organises the annual IDRG conference in The Hague. This annual meeting brings together experts and practitioners working with data for crisis-affected communities and the most at-risk populations worldwide. Through presentations by a variety of experts and several interactive workshops, participants explore the potential risks and harms that could be caused by using this data, and ways to prevent these from materializing. The theme for this year’s conference will be the potential risks of collecting and processing digital data in the European Refugee Crisis.

Presentation of the Annual IDRG Report

One of the centrepieces of this conference will be the presentation of the annual IDRG report, in which the IDRG partners present some of their latest work on data responsibility in the peace, justice and humanitarian sectors. The report will also feature papers by our IDRG fellows, based on their experiences from the field visit to Lesbos (more information here). A digital version of the report will be made available on this website after the conference.

IDRG Fellows Presentations

Another core element to the IDRG conference will be the presentations by our 3 IDRG fellows: Mark Latonero (Data & Society Research Institute – New York City, US), Dani Poole (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative – Cambridge, US), and Julie Ricard (DataPop Alliance – New York City, US). They will visit the Greek Island of Lesbos to gain a better understanding of the ‘refugee data ecosystem’ (the types of digital data streams that are collected, shared and processed for and about refugees), and potential risks that might be caused by this ecosystem.

Featured Speakers

Speakers we have already confirmed include:

Nathaniel Raymond (Director, Signal Program on Human Security and Technology, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative – Cambridge, US)
Stefaan Verhulst (Co-Founder and Director of Research, New York University GovLab – New York City, US)
Mark Latonero (Mark Latonero Lead, Data & Human Rights Program, Data & Society Research Institute – New York City, US)
Dani Poole (PhD Researcher, Signal Program on Human Security and Technology, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative – Cambridge, US)

IDRG 2016

You can find more information about the 2016 edition of the IDRG conference, including the programme and outcomes, here. For questions and comments please feel free to send us an email.


Registration is now open. Register directly or have a closer look at the programme first.
For more information or  to suggest a contribution to this conference, please reach out via email.